Marshmallows challenge

 today we just did marshmallows as a challenge also I forgot about the pastas we had 

Pastas and marshmallow 

First we were talking about our ideas then second we had to stick up our

Marshmallows like we have to use the pasta to make the marshmallow go up

It was very very difficult to stick  the marshmallow  up but we knew we wouldn’t

Give up so we keeped on going then we managed to stick it up then it fell down 

We kept on going and going then we managed to stick it up again we 

Sticked to the wall we slowly went away from the marshmallows 

Then when we went away from the marshmallows 

So the marshmallow  will balance then  it balance but then my friend 

Khittamai bang in the table  then the marshmallows  fell down 

Then we did it again it managed to do it again and it stand then

Our beautiful teacher miss parrant took a picture of our beautiful
marshmallows and that all that happened. the end 🙂